Date Established: | 1st Jan 1999 |
Line of Business: | Printer & Copier Sale & Services |
Type of Business: | Sole Proprietorship |
GSTIN: | 06AGUPD4151D1ZM |
Website : | |
Telephone: | 0124-4033845 |
Mobile: | +91-9810040104 |
Facebook: | |
Managed Print Services are services offered by print providers to deal with your printing devices, including scanners, faxes and copiers. They empower associations to improve their proficiency, profitability and data security, normally by checking use; supplanting consumables and meeting the association’s printing needs.
The highlights of Managed Print Services differ by service providers; however, they can offer a significant number of the accompanying advantages to associations whether huge and small. You can peruse increasingly around a few key advantages of Managed Print Services beneath:
1. Assessment:Our first step of MPS is to review and analyze organization current print environment. This involves creating a list of printers at all locations, monthly usage on these printers and printing cost. This understanding is crucial in providing you a customized solution.
2. Optimization: We will look for ways to consolidate your printers, replacing many large, old laser printers, single function printers with smaller number of newer, faster devices and multi-function printers with all the necessary functions built in. This cuts down the size of your printer fleet and make in more efficient without any compromise on productivity.
3. Proactive Solutions:Mostly printer problems are addressed once they have arisen and created havoc. Using MPS empowers you to be proactive and avoid problems instead of working on them later.
4. Real Time Monitoring:We utilize software to keep an eye on each of your printer. When there is an performance issue our team is notified automatically and we can Rectify the issue instantly. This also helps in monitoring the toner status so that we can replenish the ink before you get out of it.
5. Cost Savings: Other than managing the printer fleet, managed print solution also reduce the overall TCO (Total cost of ownership). Our team aims to reduce the amount of prints and number of machines you used.
This also includes educating users on making use of high quality draft modes, duplex printing and other measures that can cut down on the amount of ink used. With our solutions, corporate have saved lakhs of rupees over years.